Hi! This is a bit random, but I had a feedback question for you if you don't mind. I'm working on my rewrite and am trying to identify areas that are slowing down the plot.
Since you've already read my chapters 3/4/5, I was wondering if this sequence of chapters felt like it slowed the narrative down at all. (As a reminder - Ch 3 - the spooky forest/kelpie scene/meeting Patrick, Ch. 4 - Skeleton Grove with Patrick/Hook Tavern, and Ch. 5 - James Manor/running from the house pests)
I'm curious which of these chapters you enjoyed most? Did the worldbuilding focus/all the description in three consecutive chapters make the story feel too slow--or did you still find these scenes fun and engaging for the most part?
In order to speed up the plot and trim word count, I'm considering cutting chapters 3 and 4 in the next version and having the book bring Riley straight to James Manor. In this revision, the descriptions of Echo Forest and Skeleton Grove village would be sprinkled in later in the book as needed (and Riley would meet Patrick later). I've already cut the kelpie scene since it feels a bit more episodic in nature and certain plot points foreshadowed by that scene can be described more succinctly elsewhere.
I was just hoping to get some feedback on this from a few fellow writer-friends on here who've already read this segment. (No worries if you don't remember/don't have an opinion on it--just thought I'd ask)