Ugh, I want 'Murican Horror Story to have 500 views, just about 200 more!
And thank you everyone, 'Murican Horror Story is now #139 in the WHOLE Wattpad HUMOR section! #139!
Ugh, I want 'Murican Horror Story to have 500 views, just about 200 more!
And thank you everyone, 'Murican Horror Story is now #139 in the WHOLE Wattpad HUMOR section! #139!
Read 'Murican Horror Story and VOTE for it or I will shove McDonal's food down your throat...
Just kidding. Still, read 'Murican Horror Story and VOTE for it! Don't forget to comment!
Vote for my work! I spent so much time on them. I used up all of my creativity recently.
*For all those that speak 'Murican*
plS va0te f0r Meh i ned f00d na0w!!11!1!!!!1!!1!