
i’m gonna be updating sometime soon, i’ve been very busy with school work and i’ve been loaded with pounds of school work and stress. please wait for it, i’ll try and get up the chapter tomorrow or friday. love you all, thank you for being patient! 


i’m gonna be updating sometime soon, i’ve been very busy with school work and i’ve been loaded with pounds of school work and stress. please wait for it, i’ll try and get up the chapter tomorrow or friday. love you all, thank you for being patient! 


hey guys! 
          sorry, but i won’t be posting a chapter today. about an hour ago, my rabbit i’ve had for four years passed away. we don’t know the exact cause, but he might have stopped drinking water which didn’t allow the food he was eating to flow through. whatever reason it was, i’m extremely sad since he was my first pet. hopefully you guys understand. i’ll aim to have it uploaded another day.