
As one year ends and a new begins, The future is open - ready to spin , today is tomorrow's past, so whatever you do make it last. With this wishing all of you a very happy,successful and happening new year, a very big thanks to all the people here, who have given me love and support throughout 2019 & I hope this will continue in 2020 as well as in future.
          	Will be back soon(after boards are over),and then I will start updating the story on a regular basis.....until then byeeee!! and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR.
          	keep smiling , keep loving


As one year ends and a new begins, The future is open - ready to spin , today is tomorrow's past, so whatever you do make it last. With this wishing all of you a very happy,successful and happening new year, a very big thanks to all the people here, who have given me love and support throughout 2019 & I hope this will continue in 2020 as well as in future.
          Will be back soon(after boards are over),and then I will start updating the story on a regular basis.....until then byeeee!! and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR.
          keep smiling , keep loving


As one year ends and a new begins, The future is open - ready to spin , today is tomorrow's past, so whatever you do make it last. With this wishing all of you a very happy,successful and happening new year, a very big thanks to all the people here, who have given me love and support throughout 2019 & I hope this will continue in 2020 as well as in future.
          Will be back soon(after boards are over),and then I will start updating the story on a regular basis.....until then byeeee!! and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR.
          keep smiling , keep loving


Hi there  chapter 3 is not showing up .itis showing fail to load. Please upload it again dear


@user63051004 hey! My wattpad account just hung up for a few hours, but now it is working properly, therefore i have re-uploaded the chappy, do check it out.


@user63051004 oh is it, I will be looking into it, thanks for informing , it will be uploaded soon .


Hey everyone!!
          I am really sorry for not updating story "Endless Love" for so many days, what to do i am busy with my holiday homework projects, but i will post the next part of story in 3 days .
          Until then , bye!!
          Thanks for supporting the story so much and waiting patiently, and after 15 june i will be giving regular updates(hope so, as i dont know when exams will start occuring).
          so, until the next update