@Armiella that would be great! I will only have time to comment on the first chapter since I'm leaving for Auckland in 20 minutes but I will try to read the rest as soon as I can! :) Thanks
@aashley, I finally found a way to read your stories sonce you wont show me in real life. hahahah sneaky. Anyways, your'e an amazing writer nd you should be proud. I love you best friend nd dont be affraid to show me you'r work in real life coz it rocks :DD x
@Armiella that would be great! I will only have time to comment on the first chapter since I'm leaving for Auckland in 20 minutes but I will try to read the rest as soon as I can! :) Thanks
Hi Ashley! I started writing my first novel when I was twelve. :) And I still love writing! I was wondering if you could please check out my book Abby Dante and tell me what you think; I would especially love the feedback of a young writer like myself. :) I'll read and comment on yours as well. Thanks!