
I think I've found the inspiration to continue "Just An Average Joe" :) Update maybe on Thursday or Friday. Abangan!


WUZZZZZUPPPPP MADLANG PIPOLLLLLL! :D lol, hi guys! It's been a while since I've been on here. Good news: I'M ON SUMMER VACATION! YEYEYEYE! Which means updates are coming very very soon! So watch out for those! :) /still need to think of ideas for my next chapters though lol/


Hey guys! :) I'm so sorry for the - how many months has it been? - super longggg hiatus! I don't think I'll be able to come back anytime soon though :( I've been procrastinating a lot lately and I'm only catching up with my school work now! Pero babalik ako..... someday xD Siguro sa February? I'll try! Promise! I'll be more active on Tumblr though so just check me out there! ;) Peace, Angela