@nonofgg77@tyanababy3112@8Xqvuxi0@larryluvrbackoff how's this cheer....
we got the ball,
we make the call,
were gonna make that shot,
and drop it like its hot
we got the skills
were better then the bills,
we go on a kick your tush,
until its mush
"I Hate The Word Homophobia. It's Not A Phobia. You're Not Scared. You're Just An Asshole" ~Morgan Freeman (this isn't meant to be harm, I'm just sharing something cool with you :D)
Hey people!!! If you are following me or I'm following me please read my book oh and if you like 1d than read my book please!!!!! Only of your aren't homophobic!!!!! Thx it would mean a lot to me..... If your reading my book please message me!!!