
is it 2:30am on the 26th? yes it is but still i haven’t said merry christmas yet. hope anyone who celebrates had a magical day ♥️


@abbilovegood And now the new year, how the hell did 2023 come sooner than the last 3 years??


@JLP_Lover bro as far as im concerned, it didn’t even happen 


@abbilovegood Christmas this year came out of no where istg, I still haven't processed it


@abbilovegood Abbi! It's been nearly 2 years since I last watched your account like a hawk wishing so much for the suakm trilogy to be added back but it still hasn't. Although all your other books are equally as wonderful, I just wanted to say thank you for starting my wattpad reading journey! I as a person (a wattpad reader) think I have grown so much since I stumbled upon your masterpieces. I just was wondering if there was even the slightest possibility of you ever uploading those fanfics ever again? I'd love to read them again. SO Thank You, from the bottom of my heart for ever creating those fics in the first place. 
          ~ crazytigerxxx


Hello! I’m very sorry to bother you again but I’ve been thinking about my fav Jily trilogy which you have unpublished... I really want you to publish them again because a lot us, your followers, absolutely love the books! I personally loved the books very much. They were my comfort books. I’ve trying to find books as good as those but I failed. I’m in hopes that you’ll one day publish them again. But I guess it’s really upto you my dear author.Sorry for asking you about the books again. Thank you so much <3


These books were actually what got me into reading as I didn’t read much before but reading them made me feel immersed in the story like I was with the characters and they’re overall so well rounded with the right amount of humour and romance. And unlike most other books it’s not just a haphazard relationship where they spontaneously fall in love the reader actually sees the connection form. This is my favourite trilogy of all time and I would love it to be re published 


@___calloutmyname___ I definitely agree. 
            Please publish them again, I have already read them 4-5 times, but I still love this story too much and would love to read it again. Please do republish it. 


Hey there Author,
          Sorry for posting without your permission but if you're taking reading requests then do check out my book "His Little Monster" in your free time. I hope you would like it.


Hello! I’m here after a long time in hopes that you have reposted shut up and kiss me and the other two books. Those were my favourite jily books of all time. I can still remember staying up late at night just to read it. I love those books! At this point i guess i am pleading you to repost them. But the decision is up to you, please don’t take any of people’s bad remarks to your heart. You’re a great writer. I really love the trilogy. Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful story <3.


Do you think you might be able to repost the “ Shut up and kiss me” series, I just really enjoyed it , when I read it last. Of course, if you don’t want to that’s totally fine, I just wanted to ask. Oh, and I really enjoyed the Bad Influencers books, they were really good, and I find myself coming back to them sometimes.