
@Tae_Nick_Demi DONT BE SAD!! Think about chickens! And frozen yogurt! And chicken flavored frozen yogurt! Bet your not sad now huh?Maybe a little freaked out but I DONT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLES ARE SAD BC THAT MAKES ME SAD AND I DONT LIKE BEING SAD OBVI!


Hey Abby idk if you remember
          Probably do we just saw each other in like October, but idk if you still wanna be friends? I really like your stories and I was wondering if you'd read the one I'm working on? I wanna be friends again and I hope you accept this. Sorry about that football game thing, I wasn't mad at you and also, I never said any of that stuff, that was all Alyssa making stuff up to get me mad. Idk well, hope you get this❤️ baiz


@Joenelle549 omg ik who u are now!