
I am sorry I haven't updated anything in forever. I am currently working on a couple new stories and continuing the ones I already have up. If you could please let me know which ones you guys would like me to update, I will prioritize the one that the most people want. I am also trying to make my writing better. I don't think that I am going to go back and edit anything in any old stories, but just make my new ones and new updates better. I am sorry for my lack of updates. And, thank you all so much for reading.


I am sorry I haven't updated anything in forever. I am currently working on a couple new stories and continuing the ones I already have up. If you could please let me know which ones you guys would like me to update, I will prioritize the one that the most people want. I am also trying to make my writing better. I don't think that I am going to go back and edit anything in any old stories, but just make my new ones and new updates better. I am sorry for my lack of updates. And, thank you all so much for reading.


Hey guys. I just wanted to take a second to tell you how much you guys commenting and voting for my stories means to me. It really makes me so happy to see that people are reading and connecting to my writings. 
          Also, I wanted to let you guys know that I am typing up chapter 3 of "Daughter of Warped". So, if you haven't read the two chapters that are already up, it would mean a lot if you would. Chapter 3 will be up sometime in the next week. 
          After I finish that, I am going to write the next chapter of "Started with a Bye". 
          Thank you guys. Keep reading, commenting, and voting (:


Aye children. So, I will hopefully have an update of one of my stories next week. I'm not sure which one I will update, so if you have one that you want to be updated, message me and tell me! If I get a lot of people requesting one book, I will update that one. Sorry for the delay. School keeps me busy. But, I'm almost our for summer. So, hopefully I will be able to update reqularly through the summer (: 
          Okay, bye guys. Keep reading, voting, and commenting. Have a nice day. Talk to you later (:


Hi guys! I am about to start typing up the third part of "Daughter of Warped", so if you haven't already, you should check that out. Also, because I have recently got many request, I will start to work on an updated of "Girl with a Skateboard". I'm sorry it's taken so long. I just left it at a part that I can't think of something to happen next. But, I promise I'm working on it. 
          Lastly, since when do I have 158 followers?! You guys are seriously the best. 
          Please, keep voting, commenting, and sharing. Thank you so much. (: