There’s two things I want to say real quick for you guys. One is that I am still writing. I have four stories in the works, three of which have nothing written in them. But the concept is sketched out for all three. One of them is actually completely written. I’m just currently in the revision stage and have been for about a year. I really want to get that one published seeing that it’s been a year and a half since I’ve published anything, but I want to make sure the entire story is set in stone before I release the first few chapters.
And lastly, this one is kind of funny, one of my story ideas was just conceived a few days ago and I want to get that one done and published by April (for reasons I’ll explain at a later date). Which seems like a long time, but the one story that is currently in revision I’ve been working on since November of 2016. So, clearly, I really take my time and don’t like to force anything.
Basically what I’m trying to say is I want to get these pieces of work out to you guys. Expect Story A (the one in revision) before the end of 2018. As for Story B, hopefully I can rock and roll on that one soon. For Stories C and D that have basically nothing going for them except for a plot, you might want to give those some time.
But thank you to those who have followed! I’ll try my best to push these stories out, but still keep them in good quality. Hopefully you’ll be reading some of my work soon!