I just posted the last chapter to 3 Years, but as I've said before, it won't be the last you'll see from it. I'll be writing a three part series with it, 3 Years being the first part, so stay tuned. It may be a bit before I start on it though. I do have a plan on what the last two are going to be about, but it's a very broad, vauge plan, and I have another project going on. The other project being the Four Nations High-Battle of the Bands thing, which I've only posted the first chapter to. Don't worry, I have seven other chapters for that story already written, I justs haven't gotten around to editing the second chapter, so only the first one is actually out. It's also going to be a lot longer than what you've seen from me so far, my guess is about 18-22 chapters, give or take a few, as opposed to the two and seven chapters in my other stories. Also a lot of the chapters may be longer. Of course there will be come on the shorter end, but for the most part, they're longer. I've had really fun writing it so far, it's just the editing that bores me.

@abbysecrettunnel One more thing I forgot to mention, the series MAY be 4 stories instead of 3, but 3 is the A LOT more likely one, the extra one would be more for closure on smaller details and not actual progression, so it's probably going to be 3, with the possibility of 4. Keep in mind these numbers are total, not in addition to. Meaning I'd have 3 stories total and 2 more to write, or 4 stories total with 3 more to write.