
apologies for the long break i took, i’ve been busy with a lot lately and my mental health hasn’t been all too great. i’ll spare the details, but i’ve decided to discontinue all of my current works, i’m not sure if i’ll be reposting these but i hope to do so someday. i don’t work well with schedules so since i’m back i’ll be posting chapters to my new works randomly whenever i have the inspiration. apologies again to all the people who liked my previous works, but hopefully this break can help me to produce some new ideas ❤️


apologies for the long break i took, i’ve been busy with a lot lately and my mental health hasn’t been all too great. i’ll spare the details, but i’ve decided to discontinue all of my current works, i’m not sure if i’ll be reposting these but i hope to do so someday. i don’t work well with schedules so since i’m back i’ll be posting chapters to my new works randomly whenever i have the inspiration. apologies again to all the people who liked my previous works, but hopefully this break can help me to produce some new ideas ❤️


ok, i’ve been thinking about a new fic and i want feedback from y’all.
          -so pretty much it’s a twdg fanfic that follows lilly after lee left her on the side of the road
          -it’d be my imagining of how she found the delta and became the de facto leader of it
          -it would also follow a war between the delta and some communities (which i won’t reveal bc it’s probably a more interesting plot twist)
          so, feedback?


abby profile picture, ngl her character had potential, they just handled her poorly imo


I respectfully disagree but that's just me


this message may be offensive
I think she was handled well, there’s just a few things that they could’ve done better. Maybe they could’ve dropped the teenage drama bullshit with Owen and Mel, but otherwise, she’s my favourite new character beside Lev.