
im quitting this account now. just text me on my other account @stunningsseavey


To Everyone:  You may not know who I am, but that does not matter in any way.  I am just a girl, 12 year old girl who likes to make stories on Wattpad.   And as you may or may not know why I put my dad in my stories.  My dad is changing but...something is happening.  Some of you people may know what's happening...but that doesn't matter.   I love my dad...but does he?    He never shows it...but I know he does.  But how do I know?  Well,  there are times....I don't have scars or bruises just so you know.   I would hate to tell you that.   I wouldn't want to scare you or anything like that.   But as you may know...I have been updating....that's good right?   I guess.   But you wouldn't care...right?  Right, no one cares Amaryz.   I'm just making a fool out of myself.   I'm at school while I'm typing this.   No one knows I have Wattpad...but I do.   My old friends at my other school don't care....so why should I have Wattpad?   I love when I open my Inbox and check my DM's...I love it.   But do other people care...do you care?  No, you don't care...in fact, EVERYONE doesn't care.   Why would Amaryz write this and why does she keep saying no one cares?  Well, if that's on your mind...here's the answer....I say I don't care because I want you to know I don't have many friends.   Go ahead..you can laugh at me...you probably have like...100 friends....everyone knows you....everyone doesn't know me.   How convenient Amaryz!  How could no one know you?!  Well,  I'm an introvert..and if you don't know what that is,  well, it's a shy, uninterested, bland person.   I'm bland and I'm an introvert.  I hate when I see teenagers in the hallways of my school and they have makeup on...like why would you need makeup?  Oh, it's probably because they want boys.   Do I want to date?  OF COURSE NOT!! IT'S A WASTE OF MY PRECIOUS TIME!!!  I never dated a boy. *sighs*  I guess that's it.  I know people didn't read the whole thing...that's fine...I'm used to it....people hate me.....