
Happy Pride month!


Hi all, I haven't posted before this so just wanted to say some stuff about me. I love Tom Holland and have recently found and obsession with Newt from Maze Runner to my library may be filed with Tom and Newt fanfics. I also love the Selection and everything and anything romantic. Also just a heads up that my stories will usually have strong language. I will give a warning at the start fo the chapter but just incase you miss it...


I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU: I WILL BE COMPLETELY HONEST... you can ask me ONE question (only in my inbox). Any question, no matter how crazy, sinister or wrong it is. I WILL answer no matter what. You have my FULL honesty, but I DARE you to put this on your profile and see what questions you get! (please don't ask any personal questions- and I'm a minor don't be weird-)