Thank you for adding my book "The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer" to your reading list!! I hope you enjoy all the awkwardness -and adorableness :p- between Leo and Ethan. Oh, and all of the fiery attitude of Abby. xD You are gorgeous (just the way you are), you are loved (by more than you will ever know), and you are amazing (even if you don't think so, I do ❤). -Mikey ❤

@abigailconner1007 I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! I hope all of your tests come out well. :)

@CapeLov3r Aww! That's so sweet of you! Actually it was just what I needed before leaving to go to the hospital for some tests. Thank you for the encouragement. <3 I'm enjoying the book so far, I hope to add it to my favourites list very soon. :)