duplicity theories? I think Aven will forgive him, maybe not fully, or that she really should but i’m so invested in this love story that I need them to stay together yano. tw// I think the italics may be a suicide not or like a goodbye letter or some sort. I’m hoping it’s just like a diary but knowing Julez it’s defo not. Anyways i’m broken and sad and my heart hurts and i feel like crying cause of that whole rollercoaster, i’m impatient so I need to know what’s gonna happen rn and I have a headache.

1) liam is gonna die saving aven from something 2) aven will take over for malikai 3) Marissa and Niall will get together 4) the italics are the book w the sticky note she left him 5) she’s gonna go home to her grandma and her grandma will explain 6) maybe her grandma is ex fbi? 7) zayn and harry met in the “boot camp” 8) the jewelry is all connected somehow 9) did he actually marry her out of love? I think he did. 10) harry will kill quincy. 11) nova will be told abt everything 12) maybe they fake their deaths and move to Maine, or harry goes to Maine after he’s freed and she sees him some years later 13) there will be a second book