
guess what lads,,, i'm deleting my books again, wow what a shocker!!1! i just hate them and think i could do better


another update on drained!! i'm trying to make up for all that time i didn't post and i have no inspiration for not a girl, i'll think of something. thank you for 100+ reads on drained btw!! i am so grateful!! 


okay so i have a few updates for you all on my activity, stories and whatnot.
          1. my username is now skelefic and i have updated my profile to a kind of art theme since i really like art and draw.
          2. a new and long overdue part of drained is up, hopefully you all like it because i put a lot of emotion into it or at least tried to
          3. near the end of december and most of january i will not  be updating because i'm getting surgery! yay. i will try and update as much as i can before i go under the knife but i can't make any promises because finals are coming up too and school is killing me :)))))
          4. i would like some feedback on my stories because i feel like they need improvement. i will accept any constructive criticism, but anything too harsh or said in a non-helpful or rude way will be fed to my crocodile
           thats all my lovelies! i hope this gave you an idea of whats been going on and make sure to read a the new part in drained!!


should i call you guys spookies for halloween?
          anyway, the new part of drained it up and a few parts from the edited version of not a girl are up too! hopefully i will be able to write more this week and maybe a longer chapter in not a girl.
          have a good one guys!


hello my dear followers, 
          i have changed my username from babyboyhowell to woolenspooks!
          don't call me fiona is now called not a girl! i feel like the name is a lot quicker and a new chapter of drained will hopefully be put up sometime this week. not a girl edits will becoming very shortly! i made a new theme for book covers and the background for my page in season for fall!
          have a lovely week!