
Lmao, so I finished a poem two days ago on my laptop and I f'ed up the layout apparently but now it's fixed I suppose 


Okay I know I'm not active and barely have any followers but I'll still be uploading these?? Idk it feels good to have some sort of outlet. I mean, I could be writing them on paper but they would still be on paper and just mine and now I get to share my feelings, maybe awake some of yours I wouldn't know it's just.. I'm ranting, it's late, I need to sleep, it's 12:21 already, dammit. X


I want to make a new cover but I'm too tired and I don't reAlly know what I want?? I want something lighter, waaaay lighter but I don't really know if I wanna go pink roses and white stuff or,, ebrbhdjdu.
          Life's hard.
          Imma go sleep now, bye x