
Thanks for those who followed me and voted and commented and shared my story! Thousand hugs for y'all!!


Hey people. For those who are asking about Capture Me, the story is not erased. I repeat it is NOT erased nor gone. I copied it in a draft and decided to edit some parts. It will probably take a long time for me to edit and i would not be posting updates for that matter and with that i know that you would be waiting for quite some time so I decided that while I'm editing it, i'll just post the story (rooming with nick) that i already done writing a few months ago. It was supposed to be the story that i would publish but then i've come up with the plot of Capture Me. So i chose capture me to publish. But then i wanted to make the story better so i decided to work on it. I would publish the completed story of Capture Me in time. Sorry for that matter. I hope you'd love my current story as much as you did for Capture Me. That's all. :)