Hi guys! This is Aby. I know you haven't heard a lot from me in so long. I had stop writing the last part of Imprinted Trilogy, which is Havoc. I'm sorry for those who are still waiting for an update. I sadly do not wish to continue anymore. I am no longer invested in the trilogy and I've let go of the many ideas I've originally had for its ending. Therefore, I'm so sorry. However, if you wish to read more of my new works, I am now writing in this account: @abywanders
Note: In this new account, I am no longer writing about 5 seconds of summer. I've grown out of them, sorry. I'm writing about BTS now. I have uploaded a fresh fanfiction in my account and I hope you check it out.
Sending love to wherever you are. I hope you are all safe. Thank you for reading my stories here. Without you, I wouldn't have loved writing just as much as I do now.