
Do you ever feel like you've run out of good books to read? I remember when reading  used to make me feel something...idk. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to message me:)


Are you still on Wattpad? I miss you


@NotFallingButRising  ahh thank you so much!! Hope school and life is treating you well just in general<3 I'll give yah the update once I finally post the new chapter!!


Omg Yeey!! ♡ Glad to know you're back. I've been gone too because of school n stuff so yea I get the jizz. But yea I look forward to reading 'I, Jonathan Brink' again!!


@NotFallingButRising you sent this about a month ago but yes I am!! Aww miss you too and your support and kind words<33 I've been so insanely busy with school and just about forgot about wattpad all together:(( I definitely want to get back to finally writing my novel again!


Hey everyone! I just posted chapter eighteen of "I, Jonathan Brink"! I hope you enjoy this new chapter as much as I do! Please take a moment to read, vote and comment. Thank you again for over 1.2k reads! Your support means everything to me!<33


Believe it or not, I'm still here! I'm so sorry for not posting for forever! But guess what? I'm on Summer vacation now soooo get ready for constant chapter updates because my goal is to finish "I, Jonathan Brink" THIS Summer!! Thank you for sticking with me. You are beautiful and important and you mean so much to me.<33


Hey everyone! I'm still here, I promise. I'm working on chapter seventeen and I really hope I'll be able to post sometime this week so please stay tuned! You are wonderful and amazing and never forget it!<333