
It's great work you've got here and I really appreciate u trying to help people with depression issues. My personal favourite was "Cemented in the Crevase". I hope u r rewarded with a lot of supporting, optimistic and helpful remarks from people about ur work with sentences. Dont doubt me cheering on for u. XOXO Areesha


@areesha1booklover aww thank you sooooooo much


I saw your account on YouTube.pls follow me and I will follow you back.


@Amelia2090 I followed you already...


Hi; I was looking for updates. When you do please let me know. Thanks, KW Wayne


@kwwayne I'm so sorry I couldn't reply u back and now it's been one-year I have updated the story and btw my tab broke so I had a new one that's why it took some time for me to get back to the usual routine....