
Hey, everyone! Just published the first five chapters of To Your Grave: An RotBTFD Fanfiction over on my calamariii account. Hope you check it out!


i cant find ur @calamariii


Hello, everyone! How are you all? Sorry for being MIA for--like what?-- two years? Anyways, if anyone's still here, I'm making a new Wattpad account. There I might post a new and (hopefully) improved rewrite of my previous book To Your Grave and a continuation of The Five Who Rose. I also have a new book idea that might just come as well. I haven't written fan fiction in a long time, so I'm a bit rusty. I just really miss writing something that's not a school essay.  
          But full warning, this isn't a promise. I love to write, but I'm not sure if I will deliver something spectacular, so forgive me if I do not post. 
          I will do my best, though. I will write to the best of my abilities until each book finishes or at least until my fingers fall off.
          Anyway, I hope to see you there!
          My new account is "calamariii" btw :)