I'm at the "calm" type as you would so say, but once you get to know me it leaves away from that. I like doing short stories, on just random topics like snow , letters, grass, etc. I love to listen to music, read, and write when I am inspired. I am a nice person I would say. I don't like to say hate (no point of it really). Hope you at least enjoy my works a Tiny bit. :)  
  • Дата регистрацииMay 11, 2014


Последнее сообщение
acceptablyokay acceptablyokay May 23, 2014 06:31PM
Yes i do i am that important. I didn't want the other one so i made this one like a boss
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Истории от acceptablyokay
Love letter от acceptablyokay
Love letter
Short story on topic: lover letter. Vanessa is anxious to read the love letter from her long distance boyfrie...
SUN от acceptablyokay
Short story on on the word sun. Couple (Jacob, and Jason) looking at the sunset.