
Hi :) you're very inspirational :)


             thanks but the term "inspiratiornal" is actually not a compliment,  now if I climb Everest that might qualify but just trying to be treated equally and living life is not inspiring, it is life.   
              many who know me would more likely refer to me as a PITA and other not so nice terms...  that I take as a compliment considering the sources.
            take care, live life to the fullest


Hi there,
          I just read your comments, and I was blown away! Thank you so much. I was never sure of the way to spell Braille, so thank you for pointing that out :) I knew people used a kind of system to convert something to Braille or vise versa, but I was not certain.
          Thank you so much. It was an honor to receive comments from you :-)
          God Bless <3