
/ cb and specify!! 


* on theo and some aunt cel stuff 


don't you have anything better to do than stick your nose in my business ?


            ( the blonde shrugged coldly. ) tell him then. let's see if he believes you ,, ( she scoffed ,, tossing her blonde curls over her shoulder. indeed,, lia was always so perfect ,, it was hard to believe she broke any rules. ) 


does he know that you sneaked him into your room last night ?  well i’ll tell you , NO.   * his almost invisible blonde brows were raised in challenge. she might have been lucius' favorite, but draco would always remain narcissa's favorite. *


this message may be offensive
            what will you tell him ,, that i'm dating theo ?? joke's on you ,, he already knows. ( the blonde was obviously lucius' favorite child ,, and she was completely spoiled rotten. not to mention manipulative as fuck. )


you’re growing up too fast, guess i’ll have to accept that.


you already have a house in paris, your mother wanted it to be prepared for you.   [ the house where cissa's parents once stayed was now empty and ready to live in it again. at least that's what she said to lucius. ]


            no ,, i told him not to bring wine ,, ( ophelia shook her head. ) he knows you prefer whiskey. ( she had told him to bring something lucius would like ... another small detail that would cause lucius to go a little easy on theo. ) i also wanted to tell you that i ' ve found an apartment in paris. can we buy it ?? or should i rent it out ?? i ' ve already paid the advance for three months.


/Heyy ml Hru?
          “Malfoy”Autumn greets,as she sits down in the compartment,a distant look on her face. “How were your holidays?”


            “So you are expecting someone then,”Autumn said, “It’s not like I would tell anyone.Like who would I even tell,”She scoffed bitterly.“Lestrange is just as crazy as her mother,”
            She looked at Ophelia.”It’s not my secret to tell anyway,”
            /going offline so I won’t reply until Tuesday.Have a lovely weekend x.


            none of your business ( the malfoy heiress replied coolly. ) and even if i did tell you ,, you ' ll go telling everyone else.


            “Just wanted to check up on my darling cousin” the brunette replied,her tone calm. “Why are you expecting someone?”
            /I’ll be offline until Tuesday so I might not reply x




            i am in need of a ... favor ... or rather ... someone to cover for me ...


your daddy won't be happy that his 1990 bordeaux is about to be wasted at the party.


            ( the blonde found herself near the cake ,, grabbing everyone ' s attention so she could cut it. giving a small speech ,, raising her glass in a toast to theo ,, the cut it ,, feeding it to all her friends ,, making sure to get cake on their faces. ) open up  ( she turned to theo, )


those photos are bad enough to be used in a serial killer documentary,   [ he was serious, but it was impossible for him to find the strength to argue with her for now. theo pulled both of them through the crowd of the snack bar where most people were dancing and took her to the table where the cake was. ]


            ( the blonde giggled. she could even run with those heels ,, she constantly wore them. ) not my fault you look like a model ,, ( the blonde excused herself ,, posting all the pictures on instagram. ) besides ,, you act like you don't love it


“you’re a.. malfoy?” cedric furrowed his brows. “i don’t think i’ve properly met you before.”


            brighter side ?? ( she echoed. ) there is no brighter side. i am separated from my brother and stuck with the goddamn weasleys. not to mention the fact that i am the first malfoy gryffindor ... ( she did not like being in gryffindor. she had no friend because the slytherins thought her a blood traitor and the gryffindors thought she was mean and hated her for being a malfoy ,, from a blood supremacist family. ) 


have you now? i find that hard to believe. there’s still plenty you may have not heard. ( he mused, letting out a soft laugh. ) mhmm. i did. and it really isn’t — everyone gets put into the house best fit for them. yours simply wasn’t slytherin, and it wasn’t exactly your choice, was it? perhaps you just haven’t looked on the brighter side. ( he spoke. )
            / i’m alright!! how about you?


make yourself at home, one day it’ll be yours anyway.


            ( the moment his lips made contact with her broken skin ,, she whimpered ,, unable to stop the way his lips sent shocks straight to her core. the main reason she had pressed the knife against his crotch was to make him feel even a quarter of the way he drove her insane. she had been teased all night ,, from the moment she arrived ,, and she was shaking,, almost in tears at this point. wrenching her hand away from his grasp quickly ,, she abruptly stood up ,, her chair screeching loudly and alerting theo's parents of her presence. ) may i be excused ?? ( without even waiting for an answer ,, she dropped her napkin on her barely touched plate of food comparative to a bird 's serving and made her way to her room ,, without even looking at her boyfriend that she left with his parents )
            ( when enzo noticed how quickly ophelia left the table ,, he was quick to swat her hand off ,, not roughly but enough to tell her she had gotten the message through and he would take care of her later. his first thought was that the malfoy girl left because she was uncomfortable being around him and his wife. ) seguirla ( he told theo ,, his voice deep and commanding enough to send the message that he won't take no for an answer. ) Ho bisogno di un momento da solo con tua madre. ( he did not bother concealing his intentions from his son ,, who was well versed in the usual activities his parents partook in. )


            wouldn’t want to ruin this masterpiece, would you ?   [ he mumbled under his breath before he swiped his fingers against her open cut. it was such a small cut but perfectly enough for him to collect all the excess blood, staring in awe at the fresh coat of paint covering his long digits. he didn’t even care about the fact that she was pressing the tip of the blade to his crotch, she was more obsessed with his lower parts than she was with theo himself.. sealing his lips around the cut, from the outside it looked like he was putting little kisses on her hand but no, she could feel his tongue dancing across the sensitive skin of hers,, barely putting any pressure. ]   besides, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life with a dickless guy, i suggest you put down that knife.   [ although he put her in a position as if he was going to kiss her, his only goal was to make them quieter, which apparently his parents were busy trying to do the same. ]
            e se fosse tutto quello che voglio ?   [ even though she knew italian enough to have no difficulty with living in italy for years and taking private lessons at the beginning of their marriage, her accent was still as unsuccessful as the first day, and she knew that this always made enzo laugh. nevertheless, the pleasure of answering him in his mother language was the best. she needed his tattooed right hand to wrap around her neck so bad, her own hand was no longer just lying still on his leg, now it was sliding up his thigh. wandering extremely slowly into the direction of the center between his legs, she took another sip of her wine. ]


            ( he deliberately answered his father in italian ,, ophelia felt ,, knowing it would drive her even crazier. a tiny whimper leaving her ,, the blonde wished she had at least put on a pair of panties... the knife blade touching her thighs did nothing to help. she had poured herself another glass of wine and tried to show no signs of her dilemma on her face ,, finishing her salad. she picked up the knife once more ,, before her eyes narrowed when she looked at her boyfriend ,, furious at him for making her feel this way ,, especially in the respectful presence of his parents. ) i ' ll stab you ,, ( she growled just softly enough for him to hear,, gripping the handle furiously ,, her silver gaze stony and light enough to rival the color of mercury. she glanced at his parents to see if they noticed anything ,, and suddenly noticed mrs. nott ' s hand off the table. an idea entered her mind ,, and she pressed the tip of the knife to his crotch with light pressure,, daring him to do more. daring theo to continue after dishing out that silent threat. )
            ( enzo was hard without her doing much. he was used to it. he had learnt how to conceal his emotion on his face. he did lean in closer to her to mutter something into her ear. ) tesoro ,, devo insegnarti come comportarti in pubblico ?? ( he asked her quietly ,, squeezing her hand atop the table. ) keep that behavior up and you ' ll be riding my cock all night long. ( he issued the warning quietly,, attacking his steak once more ,, arms flexing as he used his fork and knife to slice it into bite sized pieces. )