@accioswans - I just finished reading "Every Breath You Take," and I have to say, I was squealing every time something good happened between Billy and Piper! I watched season three a couple of years ago and was really sad about what happened to Billy. Please don’t kill him off! Overall, I really enjoyed this story, but I think it would be great to include some killer action (not that type of action, if you know what I mean). I can’t wait for the rewritten chapters and the new ones to come out. Take your time—I’ll be cheering you on!

Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I’m barely reading this, but thank you so much for enjoying it! Brings me enjoyment and encouragement to continue writing the improved chapters! I really hope you stick around for the revision!

@accioswan - I also wanted to mention that I really love your story about the Green Ranger.