
Barely even active anymore but just do you guys know it's my bday today 


Yall I have like the biggest writter block ever like I have no ideas for the next HP oneshot (I also have no idea for the next chapter in A New Nightmare ) 


@ acciotamprongs  kindaaaaa idk 


@ acciotamprongs  So your motivation came back?!But you don't know what to write


Okay soooo I know that I haven’t been the most active person of this app rencently BUT it’s because I just got like THE BIGGEST WRITER BLOCK that I’ve ever experienced in my whole life. The good new is, that know I’ve finally got new ideas for the chapter 6!!! Be aware, a big plot twists are coming soon in a New Nightmare... 


Hey guys! Just to tell you that I finished school so I’m officially free from all homework and tests! This means that I will have PLENTY of time to continue (or even finish ) my book "A New Nightmare"! (Don’t worry my potterheads luvs, I’ll keep updating Harry x Reader Feminine Oneshots and maybe start a new one) 
          Oh and btw I don’t think I will keep updating my French hp book bc I don’t have any inspiration for it anymore but that doesn’t mean that I will not start a new hp book!
          Love you all <3