your = possessive. ex: is this /your/ toy?
you're = you are. ex: /you're/ being loud.
ex of both: is that /your/ toy /you're/ holding?
their = possessive. ex: it's /their/ toy.
they're = they are. ex: they're cute!
there = location. ex: i'm going over /there/.
ex of all: /they're/ standing with /their/ friends over /there.
to = location(?). ex: i'm going /to/ their house.
too = also, relative(?). ex: i'm going over there /too/.
two = number 2. 2.
threw/throw = verb. motion. i /threw/ that toy. -- i watched him /throw/ that toy.
through = also verb. i'm going /through/ that intersection. go through the drive thru.
thru = idk its a fast food thing???? the /drive thru/.