ooh~ ooh~ let's keep the feelings shut the hell up palm trees c-cries *shoots palm tree with a 42 caliber revolver* aaaueugh *palm treees best friend entees room* WHAT IS GOIJG ON‼‼ b-bestfriened... tt-tell my parents i love them their names are and.. tell my grandma too her name iw dies PALM TREEE! NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO screams palm trees bestfriend as the killer fled.. palm tree bestfriend goes emo RAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH ... eyes turn red......... ROOOOAAERERRR you.. killed my onlu FRIEND... and now.. YOU WILL PAY follows killer in the alleys RRAAAAHHHHGGGGGGGG DDIEEE DIEEEEEE YOU INHUMANE SOULESS CREATYRE DiWweee killer dies bestfirend sighs ...palm treee.... i have avenged y-you..... *eyes turn back nornal* *tears fall down from eyes* y-youre in a better placr now... goes to palm tree grave puts flower next to grave.. i will missnyou papm tree..