Sorry for such inconsistent uploads. Finals are coming up and this summer i will have band camp (yay) so i still won't post consistently but I will still try to do better. I've also been dealing with alot of family issues and mental stuff, which I've needed to work on. On the bright side, i made Colorguard for the 2022-2023 season :D. Sorry for the long wait and I hope to update Ruinous soon :)
P.s. I have a question. If I were to post a non-fanfic version (different names and possibly altered scenarios) and/or a full Spanish version of ruinous, do you think others would read it? It would take a lot of work, but it would be worth it to expand my material to a broader audience.
Thank you for your time and attention :]
(Pls read ruinous if you haven't )