Dear followers, I'm back I'll be posting on what the wonderland in the next week, the royal heart will get at least the first five chapters up after a long waited update.
As for what happened during September last year was a cancer scare with both me and my mother. The doctors were concerned with my hormone levels and also a horrible stabbing pain coming from my uterus. The entire month if September was dealing with tests and trying to figure out what was wrong with me along with going with my mother to as she got test done on her thyroid.
During October I almost posted after I found out It wasn't cancer or a tumor. However then I had to go to my bio father's for a bit (my parents are divorced) to take care of him seeing as his wife was out if state and my step sister was in New York for three months. And my father currently is going blind unfortunately.
November I started writing but rarely because I was catching up on school work seeing as I'm a minor for one more year, and I was falling behind do to all the medical reasons and switching between houses. However I got a laptop during that time has a handy down so it was easier to write. However as the holidays started to pick up my mother got stressed and started screaming and yelling a lot and I went to my father's for the week seeing as they had people over.