
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
          berhubung sebentar lagi lebaran idul adha cecan memohon maaf apabila ada salah baik perkataan maupun perbuatan
          Tapi boong ehe :*. Gue mau promosiin cerita gue "mine!! Han jisung".
          Castny stray kids >< blackpink.
          Dan idol lainnya sbagai figuran.
          Mampir ga lo. Gue santet ntar.


Thanks for the follow, I just followed you back. It would mean a lot if you checked out my Paradise series. Book 1 is Paradise, book 2 is Love in the Real World and book 3 is A Portal in Time. All books are fantasy romance but book 2 and 3 have  some mystery and adventure within it.  If you don't read them in order, you won't be completely lost. I also have a novella that is a fantasy, teen fiction and LGBTQ, a new chapter of it is posted every Friday. Thanks, have a great day/night:)