
Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long  since I've updated, but I can't wait for you guys to read my new chapter of Forbidden Love!! Hope you guys like and comment!


Hey!! I told you guys that I started a fourth story and I didn't want to make you guys wait very long. So, I posted the prologue and chapter 2 of Hidden. I really hope you guys enjoy and thank you for all of the follows, votes, and especially the comments. I love getting comments!! 


Also, if anyone would still like me to continue writing Make a Wish, I will get right on it. Just comment down below and I will continue both stories. I don't want to leave anyone hanging if you were enjoying Make a Wish. 


I would like your opinion on whether or not I should publish my new story's first chapter before I finish Make a Wish. I want to know if you guys think you can stay caught up on both of my stories because I don't want one to distract from the other. I want to know what you think so please comment your opinion down below. Thanks and reading my updates. You guys are AWESOME!!!


Sorry. Meant to say keep before reading. Whoops 


Hey!! I'm so glad that you are enjoying my stories and a special shoutout to Koujasami and Bluefairy for giving me awesome and encouraging comments!! I love you guys!!!


Thanks achpink9!!!! 


When are you updating Make A Wish?


Also, do you have two profiles?