
@UmaSnow Thank you so much! That means a lot to me!


I wanted to say i respect you so much for proclaiming your love for God. we need more people like you not afraid to say they are christians. i think that it's awesome for you to write for God. God bless you and if you need anything i am here to listen!!:)


Thank you so much :) Your words warms my heart deeply! :) God bless you and if you need anything I am here to listen as well :) ~ CosmicWriter


@ShyneeMinecrafter12 I'm not one to push others to God so I have no choice but to accept that. But thank you so much. That means a lot to me. By the way, don't get offended but it's funny to me that you say you don't believe in God when you spelt His name with a capital 'G'. Most non-believers lower case it. Lol, anyway, thank you again so much.