
Hey there everyone! I disappeared for awhile, but I'm working on a project right now and thought it'd be fun to read some of the messages and comments I've missed. I plan to be a little more active this week so feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message - I'll be reading (and hopefully responding to) everything :)


Hey Aiden I loved Lost and insecure and I believe that it woke up something in me.  But the most hurting thing is that Dana Thomas died and a part of me can't stop thinking about it. This book is really touching. How I wish a movie is filmed about this book. Love u keep it up 


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Aww fuck fuck fuck. I read lost and insecure in a day. If that didn't change my outlook on life I don't know what would. How could this book be relatable as fuck, mind-boggling as fuck, and enviable as fuck. I wasn't prepared from that ride I tell you, but I'm masochistic as fuck that I couldn't get enough until I finish it. Madam reading your book made me step into enlightenment. I wish to have your book's hardcopy, I'll treasure it make it my family heirloom to pass down unto my future descendants. I bow and worship you my masterrr~


Hey there! I hope you're doing well. I just finished Bleeding Colour. I was wondering if the sequel is on the table.
          Thank you so much for sharing your writing. I loved it. 


Hi there! It’s definitely not off the table, but I did take a break from writing. I plan to write it eventually but I’m honestly not sure of a timeline :/ 


Hey there everyone! I disappeared for awhile, but I'm working on a project right now and thought it'd be fun to read some of the messages and comments I've missed. I plan to be a little more active this week so feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message - I'll be reading (and hopefully responding to) everything :)


Hi I just wanted to say that your book “Lost and Insecure” really resonated with me and I love it so much. I love the whole book and the ending actually brought me to tears. The book was both happy and sad at the same time and it basically showed me what love really is and that love isn’t just sunshine’s and rainbows like everyone portrays it to be. Your book really showed me what love really is what and what it feels like to lose your penguin. Your book actually reminded me of Romeo and Juliet. I hope you read this and respond it would mean so much to me!


@Leija84 Hi there! I'm so sorry for such a late response, but thank you so much!! You're too kind and I really appreciate it. Thank you :)


Hii, author  
          I'm just a new reader on your channel, & I really wanna appreciate & thank u for having an amazing sense of writing your stories& relate it with real world. tbh I came across many stories & different genres bt I'm stunned by ur way of captivating & sending ur msg to readers. I don't knw if u will read my msg or not  bt I jst wanna tell u I really enjoyed reading ur stories.
          Have a nyc day bye!!!


You’re too sweet! Thank you very much :)


Someone stole my work (and a few others’) to sell on Amazon. I appreciate everyone who has reached out wanting to help. I hope the issue gets figured out for everyone involved 


It looks like everything is taken down. I know me and at least 3 other authors reported our work stolen so I’m glad Amazon handled it. Thank you for looking out for me!


@AdrienneCivetti she also has lost and insecure listed .-.