
Hi everyone!
          	For starters, I am alive. I know it's been a bit since I updated but life just really got in the way. I did get into my dream college and now that things are starting to calm down, hopefully I'll be able to find the right headspace to write more. I can't tell you how much your support means to me and I promise to keep writing as soon as I am mentally able to.


Hi everyone!
          For starters, I am alive. I know it's been a bit since I updated but life just really got in the way. I did get into my dream college and now that things are starting to calm down, hopefully I'll be able to find the right headspace to write more. I can't tell you how much your support means to me and I promise to keep writing as soon as I am mentally able to.


Hey all, I promise the next part of The Collection will be posted as soon as I can write it. Right now, I'm extra stressed because I'm finishing up my early decision application for college, dealing with the results of the election and in 3 AP classes. I promise I'll get the next part to you as soon as I can! 


Hey! I was gonna fully catch up chapter wise with 'counting down' but my Wattpad is refusing to cooperate. My computer won't load it and my phone sucks formatting wise. Hopefully everything is fixed tomorrow but if not the quality of updates may drop because I'll be posting off of my phone. Thank you all for the support!


Hello all. In case KOSA passes later today I want to thank all of you for your support. I really hope it doesn't pass and sites like Wattpad and AO3 can continue to be safe spaces but, in case it does, you have all been amazing. Thank you for changing my life.


@acosmicbee Yeah, I looked it up right after I commented this. Had the panic attack of the century


@Lover_Of_Mothers The Kids Online Safety Act. It's a bill that would essentially censor the entire internet. You'd need to upload an ID to search anything and the government could ban 'controversial' topics like racism and LGBTQ related stuff. It's going to be decided today whether or not the bill will pass.


@acosmicbee What are you talking about?