I’ve been looking everywhere. EVERYONE ANIME FIC IS X READER. I CANT STAND IT. Please, for the love of god, try to make either Adrien Crevan or Ciel fic, I’m desperate! If I had any way to pay you or any money to pay you with I would
@-KYORU- no he is not. If you reached the end then you know that he is an elder which is a pretty high ranked demon, as an elder malphas/sebastian has responsibilities other than serena. He has to take care of other demons in his house and he has to attend court and has council work.
Corrine and malphas/sebastian did have a relationship before malphas/sebastian met serena in 1889, after the meeting he stopped his relationship with corrine or any romantic and sexual interaction that was not needed unless to fulfill his contract.
I'm not sure if corrine and malphas/sebastian had a romantic or sexual relationship or if what they had was considered dating in hell/demon world.
Hope that answers your question!