
Hello everyone, first of all, sorry for disappearing for almost a year. 
          	I have not been well during the whole year, I lived a real saturation of my law studies, and I took refuge in the Role play to clear my head. 
          	The Covid crisis made me really tired, the pressure of the vaccination also, being treated like a criminal just because you don't do what everyone else does makes me sick.
          	The French presidential election disgusted me, I'm sure it was rigged. How such an unloved man who said "I'm against self-defense" and "I really want to piss off the non-vaccinated" (the word is worst) can still be president is beyond me. I just can't bear his face anymore. 
          	I'm also sorry, in the name of my country about what happened at the "Stade de France" . If you where there, you sure didn't do anything to deserve all the dirty things that our governement said. 
          	My university year went very badly, I'm still in exams. 
          	In short, it was not a good year for me, I had absolutely no motivation to write. I've almost finished the next chapter which will be between 5 and 6 pages long, but I must admit that it's slow. VERY SLOW. 
          	I really apologize for the inconvenience. I will do my best to get back to writing. 
          	Have a good day and please be safe.


I haven’t been on Wattpad in years and honestly I’m sorry to hear you have had such a tough year. I really hope things get better where you are bud. 


@adawinga don't be sorry ada as long as ur feeling better <33




I must say, your ongoing book for Alastor x reader, is very enjoyable. I have been reading it for 2 nights now. I do hope to see an update soon, but I hope you are doing well yourself. Do keep up the good work. I’m excited to see what you have planned next. 


Hello everyone, first of all, sorry for disappearing for almost a year. 
          I have not been well during the whole year, I lived a real saturation of my law studies, and I took refuge in the Role play to clear my head. 
          The Covid crisis made me really tired, the pressure of the vaccination also, being treated like a criminal just because you don't do what everyone else does makes me sick.
          The French presidential election disgusted me, I'm sure it was rigged. How such an unloved man who said "I'm against self-defense" and "I really want to piss off the non-vaccinated" (the word is worst) can still be president is beyond me. I just can't bear his face anymore. 
          I'm also sorry, in the name of my country about what happened at the "Stade de France" . If you where there, you sure didn't do anything to deserve all the dirty things that our governement said. 
          My university year went very badly, I'm still in exams. 
          In short, it was not a good year for me, I had absolutely no motivation to write. I've almost finished the next chapter which will be between 5 and 6 pages long, but I must admit that it's slow. VERY SLOW. 
          I really apologize for the inconvenience. I will do my best to get back to writing. 
          Have a good day and please be safe.


I haven’t been on Wattpad in years and honestly I’m sorry to hear you have had such a tough year. I really hope things get better where you are bud. 


@adawinga don't be sorry ada as long as ur feeling better <33

