Hey everyone.. I know that I've been MIA for a long time and I'm really sorry but my life has been very hectic lately and I wasn't able to sit down and actually write the next part... I understand if some of you have given up on me and my story but truth be told my life is only gna be even more hectic with midterms next week and me having lots of projects and so on... I know they sound like excuses to all of you but a uni student's life is hectic and this semester is particularly challenging... so I really am sorry for not updating for two months and for not being able to update any time soon either... However as soon as I'm done with this semester hopefully I'll get to writing but until then I'm afraid my story will be on hold... Again sorry for making u guys wait and I totally understand if u guys give up on me but I hope that u don't... Until next time (whenever that may be) ;D