
I have to do this positivity chain where I say 5 nice things about me. So here we go
          	1. I'm a good dancer
          	2. I'm smart
          	3. I can be pretty
          	4. I am kind
          	5. I'm a hard worker 
          	That was different. You should try this even if it isn't sent to you!


I have to do this positivity chain where I say 5 nice things about me. So here we go
          1. I'm a good dancer
          2. I'm smart
          3. I can be pretty
          4. I am kind
          5. I'm a hard worker 
          That was different. You should try this even if it isn't sent to you!


Hello, there is a writing piece on Wattpad that I’m a part of, You May Know My Name But You Don’t Know My Story. Would you like to write a chapter? Write about what you believe in whether that be Christianity, Islam, atheism, life lessons are welcomed, and so on. 
          When you finish the chapter send it via email to 
          If you have a Wattpad account you could private message @Chesster40 the chapter.
          There is no deadline now if you want one then do it before July. There is no word limit. Though again, if you want one then keep it below 15,000 words.