
Haters keep on hating, cause somebody's gotta do it.


I know this is really late, but a while back you voted on our story. Thank you so much for not being a "silent reader" and letting us know you enjoyed our work! :D


And sorry for being inactive for a really long time!


Geography of Women
          Between the age of 15-20 Women is like Africa,
          Half discovered and half wild.
          Between the age of 20-30 Women is like India and Pakistan,
          Very hot, wise and beautiful.
          Between the age of 30-35 women is like America,
          Fully discovered and scientifically perfect.
          Between the age of 35-40 Women is like France,
          Half destroyed after the war but still desirable.
          Between the age of 40-50 Women is like Germany,
          Lost the war but not the hope.
          Between the age of 50-60 Women is like Russia,
          Very wide, very quiet but nobody goes there.
          After 70 She becomes Siberia,
          Everyone knows where it is but no one wants to go there!