
Hi everyone!!
          	I realise that I have done the common thing which is stop writing on wattpad a few years ago. My love for writing began on here and if you are still reading my published books here then THANK YOU! 
          	I have the most exciting news to share with you all and it is that this year I finally bit the bullet and I published - yes PROPER published my first book!! I can now say that I am a published author  
          	I know we all stay on wattpad because it’s free and fun, so I know the majority of you cannot or will not spend any money on my published books- that is why I just wanted to share this exciting news and nothing more! I am going to leave the current books that I have on here even though I don’t think they represent how far my writing has evolved but I just can’t bring myself to erase such an integral part of my past. 
          	Thank you to every single person who has ever supported my writing, even when it and I wasn’t at our best. If any of you choose to seek out my debut novel and the further books coming after then I would love to know! 
          	Here is the cover to my debut novel OUR SACRED OATHS which is book 1 in the Mafia Royalty Series and it is:
          	arranged marriage
          	 touch her and I’ll kill you
          	 my smuttiest book yet
          	 a badass female main character
          	 secrets and lies
          	 first female leader of a mafia family 
          	And MORE
          	You can ONLY read and purchase the book on Amazon, so please if any of you use Z library or any other similar website, to pirate your books and think of pirating mine, please have some respect for my hard work and don’t steal my book. 


@adelina1998 Congratulations! Good luck on your new journey, I wish you all the best. 


Hi everyone!!
          I realise that I have done the common thing which is stop writing on wattpad a few years ago. My love for writing began on here and if you are still reading my published books here then THANK YOU! 
          I have the most exciting news to share with you all and it is that this year I finally bit the bullet and I published - yes PROPER published my first book!! I can now say that I am a published author  
          I know we all stay on wattpad because it’s free and fun, so I know the majority of you cannot or will not spend any money on my published books- that is why I just wanted to share this exciting news and nothing more! I am going to leave the current books that I have on here even though I don’t think they represent how far my writing has evolved but I just can’t bring myself to erase such an integral part of my past. 
          Thank you to every single person who has ever supported my writing, even when it and I wasn’t at our best. If any of you choose to seek out my debut novel and the further books coming after then I would love to know! 
          Here is the cover to my debut novel OUR SACRED OATHS which is book 1 in the Mafia Royalty Series and it is:
          arranged marriage
           touch her and I’ll kill you
           my smuttiest book yet
           a badass female main character
           secrets and lies
           first female leader of a mafia family 
          And MORE
          You can ONLY read and purchase the book on Amazon, so please if any of you use Z library or any other similar website, to pirate your books and think of pirating mine, please have some respect for my hard work and don’t steal my book. 


@adelina1998 Congratulations! Good luck on your new journey, I wish you all the best. 


I know it has been a long time since I have been on here but I have the most exciting news… earlier this month I published my first book!! Like hold the paperback in your hands and read as an ebook debut novel 
          It’s called Our Sacred Oaths and it is a dark mafia romance which is arranged marriage and forced proximity with a badass female lead!