
TO THOSE  - who've  actually read/ have read Unravelling Love so far, thank you! I really and truly appreciate it.
          	However, I have decided to discontinue this story until further notice, the reason being my studies and the fact that I'm quite frankly not enjoying writing this story. I believe that if the author doesn't enjoy their own work, then their readers won't. I want to be able to really connect with the emotions the characters are feeling because I will be creating them and I feel at this point on it's really not happening- even though I've written like 6 chapters LOL.
          	One day in the future, I will  come back to this story, and I promise, it'll be X10 better.
          	 Sincere apologies and thank you to those who read and enjoyed Unravelling Love.
          	There may be books I write before I come back to Unravelling Love , purely due to having new ideas I feel are better. 
          	If you've taken the time to read through this, thank you.
          	Lots of Love, 
          	Adi x


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed are available on Wattpad! ♡


TO THOSE  - who've  actually read/ have read Unravelling Love so far, thank you! I really and truly appreciate it.
          However, I have decided to discontinue this story until further notice, the reason being my studies and the fact that I'm quite frankly not enjoying writing this story. I believe that if the author doesn't enjoy their own work, then their readers won't. I want to be able to really connect with the emotions the characters are feeling because I will be creating them and I feel at this point on it's really not happening- even though I've written like 6 chapters LOL.
          One day in the future, I will  come back to this story, and I promise, it'll be X10 better.
           Sincere apologies and thank you to those who read and enjoyed Unravelling Love.
          There may be books I write before I come back to Unravelling Love , purely due to having new ideas I feel are better. 
          If you've taken the time to read through this, thank you.
          Lots of Love, 
          Adi x


          I’m a Wattpad Outreach Ambassador and I’d like to congratulate you on posting your first story!  There’s a lot to take on as a new writer on Wattpad, so I’d like to pass on some links you may find helpful.  
          If you’re wondering how to do something on Wattpad or want to learn more about how Wattpad works, the guides posted on the @howtousewattpad profile are a good resource.  Be sure to check out their reading lists too.  They have more guides written by successful Wattpad authors that are filled with writing advice and tips on how to promote your stories.  
          If you have questions, you can get help from my fellow @Ambassadors.  It’s a good idea to follow them to get updates on fun Ambassador activities you can participate in.  Also, we suggest following @Wattpad to get announcements of the latest Wattpad news and contests.
          In addition, Wattpad’s Help Center has live updates on Wattpad’s operational status and known glitches/bugs they’re working on.  You can report issues there if something isn’t working. 
          Thanks and good luck with your story!  
          (@MadisonStanchick ) - Outreach Ambassador