
Guys, I don't know if too many of you use Discord or not, but I do have a server where I post some story content before it's released. I'm trying to start a community of people who are just looking to talk about stuff and have a good time. Everyone is welcome, all I ask is that you mind your manners if you do join. In order to see content early, just click the link in this announcement, type the code in one of the channels, and send the message. You'll get access to content before its official release here on Wattpad. Anyway, I hope to see you there!
          	Go to #role-commands
          	Type [!subscribe-wattpad] without the brackets


Guys, I don't know if too many of you use Discord or not, but I do have a server where I post some story content before it's released. I'm trying to start a community of people who are just looking to talk about stuff and have a good time. Everyone is welcome, all I ask is that you mind your manners if you do join. In order to see content early, just click the link in this announcement, type the code in one of the channels, and send the message. You'll get access to content before its official release here on Wattpad. Anyway, I hope to see you there!

          Go to #role-commands
          Type [!subscribe-wattpad] without the brackets


Guys, I'd like to take a moment to do a shoutout to one of my good friends here, @TheStoryNarrator. His work is amazing, and I encourage you go and give it a read. I know it may not be everyone's cup of coffee, but he's a very good writer. I know how much it'd mean to him for you to give him a chance, and I personally think that it'd be well worth your time. So, if you'd be so nice to do so, go check out his work. You'll more than likely enjoy it.


            For some reason, it wasn't right in the post.


I'm trying to figure out what the best translator is (mainly for Chinese), but I can't decide if I want to use Baidu, Microsoft, or Google. I've been using Google for everything, but the problem is it doesn't have Cantonese. That's not a MAJOR problem, but it may be an issue soon.


this message may be offensive
Starting now, if anyone is doing something I don't like or bothering me about shit that is over and done with, I will tell you to stop once before I let other people deal with it. I don't tolerate people who enjoy harassing or blackmail and I've frankly had enough of it. I will tolerate no more under any circumstances. If you want to be nice, you're more than welcome here. Jackasses are no longer allowed. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.