So after the app just deleted my last post I'm just going to bullet point.
•Audacity & In the Dead of Night are coming along although I've hit a dry spell on Audacity but it's nothing to worry about I just got to work on it.
•Tangents is like my baby child in the making and I tried to con my friend into being the co-author but she saw through my advances. I wanted her to be it because she has good ideas, she's smart, and having a person to talk to about my stories always helps even if they aren't a writer like she is. Anyway I'll probably try to tie her into this a few more times before giving up.
•I unpublished a few stories because I think that they are plots I need to grow on an characters I need to mature to understand. I need more experience to capture the atmosphere I wanted.
I just posed to let you guys know I'm still breathing and that everything is being handled as long as I'm not watching YouTube or Steven Universe. See you soon, and hopefully in a story update|Ayana.