hello everyone. hope you are all well and safe. although my follow count on this platform is extremely small, i still feel the need to say something. black lives matter. they matter now and they always have. if you do not agree with that statement please feel free to unfollow. i also urge you to educate yourself not only on what's happening now, but what has been happening and what values america was built on. i realized that yet again although my follow count is small, that i should address this on all and any social media i have, and that doesn't just apply to instagram and twitter. i have been active on my personal social media accounts, attempting to do everything i can to try tp be a good ally. but this is not about me. i am not black, and i recognize that i will never fully understand. yet i hope to continue to learn and to not only be a non racist, but to continue to be anti-racist. please sign petitions and donate to credible organizations if you can. spread awareness, educate yourselves and your families. text "FLOYD" to 551-56. text "JUSTICE" to 668-366. some petitions require zipcodes. use one of the following postal zipcodes if you wish to sign: 90015 (los angeles, california); 10001 (new york city, new york); 75001 (dallas, texas).