
UPDATE ON THE SIX (FORMERLY, UNTITLED): While I'm still ironing out the glitch in one or two chapters, all text should be readable without spacing issues. I've added another chapter, and should be adding one chapter weekly until I finish. Thank you for your support.


UPDATE ON THE SIX (FORMERLY, UNTITLED): While I'm still ironing out the glitch in one or two chapters, all text should be readable without spacing issues. I've added another chapter, and should be adding one chapter weekly until I finish. Thank you for your support.


IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE SIX (FORMERLY, UNTITLED): Evidently, there's a glitch in uploading text and some spaces between words are randomly deleted when I move my writing from my word processor to Wattpad. I am currently fixing the issue and am at chapter five. Please be patient while I deal with this.


Hey folks! I'm finally back from the dead. It's been a long, hard year for me as a writer. After I lost the remainder of my manuscript of Before It Happens, it was really hard for me to write anything for a long time. That, piled on with the stress of Junior year, made for a creative drought. Fortunately, near the end of this year, I had the brainchild that was (and still is, unfortunately) Untitled. I've uploaded the first ten chapters already, and will add more as I revise them. I've taken many cautionary measures in order to ensure that the same tragedy that befell Before It Happens doesn't befall Untitled. 
          Thanks for sticking around. I hope you enjoy the new story I have for you.