




I recognised Ur nam e


I knew I followed u lol


Low-risk just isn't enough for me anymore
          There's so much left in me, I could laugh
          No point in saying that I've got nothing3
          Put your hands up, give me a hi-five
          It's boring to fall in line and follow the person in front
          Shout out your dreams and chase them! - that is this town's standard
          I'd be lying if I said I just wanted to keep watching
          It's about time, give me the mic
          Since I'm already here, let me do something I can't take back
          I want to go deeper,
          somehow, it's like I'm in a romance
          You could say I've fallen in love
          Then, I'll take you with me, just like this
          We'll go wherever, if that's what you want
          and I wanna - I just want more, some more
          If I could, I'd want to know more about the world beyond this one, and dive into it
          Ready steady
          If it's just a bit, I want to be reckless
          Like I'm about to take away everything in this world
          Though, nothing's going to happen if I keep talking about it
          So drop the end of the word, and go Hi-Fi
          Hey, why don't you look this way a little?
          Do you just want to get me addicted on a whim?
          But I wanna steal your eyes, ears and burning heart, make them tremble
          With this amazing track and lyric that everyone envies
          I'll bewitch you, so don't do a retake
          That's why, I'll take you with me, just like this
          We'll go wherever, if that's what you want
          and I wanna - if we're gonna ask for something that doesn't exist, let's do it
          Oh, let the night end quickly, take an oath at sunrise
          Shout out your heavy feelings with passion
          Listen to my voice, and at each sound, dance wildly
          I want more...
          "Are you ready?"
          Then, I'll take you with me, just like this
          We'll go wherever, if that's what you want
          and I wanna - I just want more, some more
          If I could, I'd want to know more about the world beyond this one, and dive into it
          Ready steady